
Copy path to clipboard


  toJSON (ImportValue (Sub "\${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SubnetID"))
≡ JSON.object
( toMap
{ `Fn::ImportValue` =
( toMap
{ `Fn::Sub` =
JSON.string "\${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SubnetID"
  JSON.render (toJSON (Base64 (Ref "hehe")))
≡ ''
{ "Fn::Base64": { "Ref": "hehe" } }
  JSON.render (toJSON (Cidr (Ref "ipBlock") 1 8))
≡ ''
"Fn::Cidr": [
{ "Ref": "ipBlock" },
  JSON.render (toJSON (FindInMap "RegionMap" (Ref "ipBlock") (String "key")))
≡ ''
"Fn::FindInMap": [
{ "Ref": "ipBlock" },
  JSON.render (toJSON (GetAtt "myELB.DNSName"))
≡ ''
{ "Fn::GetAtt": "myELB.DNSName" }
  JSON.render (toJSON (GetAZs (Ref "AWS::Region")))
≡ ''
{ "Fn::GetAZs": { "Ref": "AWS::Region" } }
( toJSON
( Sub/Vars
(toMap { var1 = String "abc", var2 = String "hi" })
≡ ''
"Fn::Sub": [
"var1": "abc",
"var2": "hi"
( toJSON
( Join
[ String "arn:"
, Ref "AWS::Partition"
, String ":s3:::elasticbeanstalk-*-"
, Ref "AWS::AccountId"
≡ ''
"Fn::Join": [
{ "Ref": "AWS::Partition" },
{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }
  JSON.render (toJSON (Select 0 (Ref "DbSubnetIpBlocks")))
≡ ''
"Fn::Select": [
{ "Ref": "DbSubnetIpBlocks" }
(toJSON (Select 2 (Split "," (ImportValue (String "AccountSubnetIDs")))))
≡ ''
"Fn::Select": [
"Fn::Split": [
{ "Fn::ImportValue": "AccountSubnetIDs" }
( toJSON
( Transform
( toMap
{ Location = String "s3://MyAmazonS3BucketName/MyFileName.json"
≡ ''
"Fn::Transform": {
"Name": "AWS::Include",
"Parameters": { "Location": "s3://MyAmazonS3BucketName/MyFileName.json" }
( toJSON
( Or
(Equals (Ref "EnvironmentType") (String "prod"))
(Condition "CreateProdResource")
≡ ''
"Fn::Or": [
"Fn::Equals": [
{ "Ref": "EnvironmentType" },
{ "Condition": "CreateProdResource" }


let JSON = (./Prelude.dhall).JSON

let map = (./Prelude.dhall).List.map

let Map = (./Prelude.dhall).Map

let _Pi =
λ(Fn : Type) →
{ ImportValue : FnFn
, String : Text → Fn
, Ref : Text → Fn
, GetAtt : Text → Fn
, GetAZs : FnFn
, Join : Text → List FnFn
, Split : Text → FnFn
, Sub : Text → Fn
, Sub/Vars : Text → Map.Type Text FnFn
, Base64 : FnFn
, Cidr : Fn → Natural → Natural → Fn
, Select : Natural → FnFn
, FindInMap : Text → FnFnFn
, Transform : Text → Map.Type Text FnFn
, Condition : Text → Fn
, Equals : FnFnFn
, And : FnFnFn
, If : Text → FnFnFn
, Not : FnFn
, Or : FnFnFn

let Fn/Type
: Type
= ∀(Fn : Type) → ∀(fn : _Pi Fn) → Fn

let String
: ∀(x : Text) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Text) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.String x

let Sub
: ∀(x : Text) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Text) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.Sub x

let Sub/Vars =
λ(x : Text) →
λ(vars : Map.Type Text Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Sub/Vars x (Map.map Text Fn/Type Fn (λ(v : Fn/Type) → v Fn fn) vars)

let GetAtt/Type = ∀(x : Text) → Fn/Type

let GetAtt
: GetAtt/Type
= λ(x : Text) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.GetAtt x

let GetAttOf =
λ(attrName : Text) →
λ(resource : Text) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.GetAtt "${resource}.${attrName}"

let Base64
: ∀(x : Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Fn/Type) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.Base64 (x Fn fn)

let GetAZs
: ∀(x : Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Fn/Type) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.GetAZs (x Fn fn)

let Cidr
: ∀(x : Fn/Type) → ∀(count : Natural) → ∀(bits : Natural) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Fn/Type) →
λ(count : Natural) →
λ(bits : Natural) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Cidr (x Fn fn) count bits

let Select
: ∀(index : Natural) → ∀(x : Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(index : Natural) →
λ(x : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Select index (x Fn fn)

let Join
: ∀(deli : Text) → ∀(list : List Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Text) →
λ(y : List Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Join x (map Fn/Type Fn (λ(a : Fn/Type) → a Fn fn) y)

let Split
: ∀(deli : Text) → ∀(text : Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Text) →
λ(y : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Split x (y Fn fn)

let ImportValue
: ∀(x : Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Fn/Type) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.ImportValue (x Fn fn)

let FindInMap
: ∀(map : Text) → ∀(key1 : Fn/Type) → ∀(key2 : Fn/Type) → Fn/Type
= λ(map : Text) →
λ(key1 : Fn/Type) →
λ(key2 : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.FindInMap map (key1 Fn fn) (key2 Fn fn)

let Ref
: ∀(x : Text) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Text) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.Ref x

let Transform =
λ(name : Text) →
λ(param : Map.Type Text Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
(Map.map Text Fn/Type Fn (λ(x : Fn/Type) → x Fn fn) param)

let Condition
: ∀(name : Text) → Fn/Type
= λ(x : Text) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.Condition x

let Equals =
λ(a : Fn/Type) →
λ(b : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Equals (a Fn fn) (b Fn fn)

let And =
λ(a : Fn/Type) →
λ(b : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.And (a Fn fn) (b Fn fn)

let If =
λ(cond : Text) →
λ(a : Fn/Type) →
λ(b : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.If cond (a Fn fn) (b Fn fn)

let Not = λ(a : Fn/Type) → λ(Fn : Type) → λ(fn : _Pi Fn) → fn.Not (a Fn fn)

let Or =
λ(a : Fn/Type) →
λ(b : Fn/Type) →
λ(Fn : Type) →
λ(fn : _Pi Fn) →
fn.Or (a Fn fn) (b Fn fn)

let toJSON =
λ(x : Fn/Type) →
{ ImportValue =
λ(x : JSON.Type) → JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::ImportValue` = x })
, Ref = λ(x : Text) → JSON.object (toMap { Ref = JSON.string x })
, Sub =
λ(s : Text) → JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::Sub` = JSON.string s })
, Sub/Vars =
λ(s : Text) →
λ(vars : Map.Type Text JSON.Type) →
( toMap
{ `Fn::Sub` =
JSON.array [ JSON.string s, JSON.object vars ]
, Join =
λ(deli : Text) →
λ(list : List JSON.Type) →
( toMap
{ `Fn::Join` =
JSON.array [ JSON.string deli, JSON.array list ]
, GetAtt =
λ(x : Text) → JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::GetAtt` = JSON.string x })
, GetAZs = λ(x : JSON.Type) → JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::GetAZs` = x })
, Split =
λ(x : Text) →
λ(y : JSON.Type) →
(toMap { `Fn::Split` = JSON.array [ JSON.string x, y ] })
, Base64 = λ(x : JSON.Type) → JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::Base64` = x })
, Cidr =
λ(ipBlock : JSON.Type) →
λ(count : Natural) →
λ(bits : Natural) →
( toMap
{ `Fn::Cidr` =
[ ipBlock
, JSON.string (Natural/show count)
, JSON.string (Natural/show bits)
, Select =
λ(index : Natural) →
λ(x : JSON.Type) →
( toMap
{ `Fn::Select` =
JSON.array [ JSON.string (Natural/show index), x ]
, FindInMap =
λ(map : Text) →
λ(key1 : JSON.Type) →
λ(key2 : JSON.Type) →
( toMap
{ `Fn::FindInMap` =
JSON.array [ JSON.string map, key1, key2 ]
, String = λ(x : Text) → JSON.string x
, Transform =
λ(name : Text) →
λ(param : Map.Type Text JSON.Type) →
( toMap
{ `Fn::Transform` =
( toMap
{ Name = JSON.string name
, Parameters = JSON.object param
, Condition =
λ(x : Text) → JSON.object (toMap { Condition = JSON.string x })
, Equals =
λ(a : JSON.Type) →
λ(b : JSON.Type) →
JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::Equals` = JSON.array [ a, b ] })
, And =
λ(a : JSON.Type) →
λ(b : JSON.Type) →
JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::And` = JSON.array [ a, b ] })
, If =
λ(cname : Text) →
λ(a : JSON.Type) →
λ(b : JSON.Type) →
(toMap { `Fn::If` = JSON.array [ JSON.string cname, a, b ] })
, Not =
λ(a : JSON.Type) →
JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::Not` = JSON.array [ a ] })
, Or =
λ(a : JSON.Type) →
λ(b : JSON.Type) →
JSON.object (toMap { `Fn::Or` = JSON.array [ a, b ] })

let exampleImportValue =
: toJSON (ImportValue (Sub "\${NetworkStackNameParameter}-SubnetID"))
( toMap
{ `Fn::ImportValue` =
( toMap
{ `Fn::Sub` =

let exampleBase64 =
: JSON.render (toJSON (Base64 (Ref "hehe")))
≡ ''
{ "Fn::Base64": { "Ref": "hehe" } }

let exampleCidr =
: JSON.render (toJSON (Cidr (Ref "ipBlock") 1 8))
≡ ''
"Fn::Cidr": [
{ "Ref": "ipBlock" },

let exampleFindInMap =
: JSON.render
(toJSON (FindInMap "RegionMap" (Ref "ipBlock") (String "key")))
≡ ''
"Fn::FindInMap": [
{ "Ref": "ipBlock" },

let exampleGetAtt =
: JSON.render (toJSON (GetAtt "myELB.DNSName"))
≡ ''
{ "Fn::GetAtt": "myELB.DNSName" }

let exampleGetAZs =
: JSON.render (toJSON (GetAZs (Ref "AWS::Region")))
≡ ''
{ "Fn::GetAZs": { "Ref": "AWS::Region" } }

let exampleSub/Vars =
: JSON.render
(toJSON (Sub/Vars "\${var1}\${var2}hello" (toMap {
var1 = String "abc",
var2 = String "hi"
≡ ''
"Fn::Sub": [
"var1": "abc",
"var2": "hi"

let exampleJoin =
: JSON.render
( toJSON
( Join
[ String "arn:"
, Ref "AWS::Partition"
, String ":s3:::elasticbeanstalk-*-"
, Ref "AWS::AccountId"
≡ ''
"Fn::Join": [
{ "Ref": "AWS::Partition" },
{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }

let exampleSelect =
: JSON.render (toJSON (Select 0 (Ref "DbSubnetIpBlocks")))
≡ ''
"Fn::Select": [
{ "Ref": "DbSubnetIpBlocks" }

let exampleSplit =
: JSON.render
( toJSON
(Select 2 (Split "," (ImportValue (String "AccountSubnetIDs"))))
≡ ''
"Fn::Select": [
"Fn::Split": [
{ "Fn::ImportValue": "AccountSubnetIDs" }

let exampleTransform =
: JSON.render
( toJSON
( Transform
( toMap
{ Location =
String "s3://MyAmazonS3BucketName/MyFileName.json"
≡ ''
"Fn::Transform": {
"Name": "AWS::Include",
"Parameters": { "Location": "s3://MyAmazonS3BucketName/MyFileName.json" }

let exampleCondition =
: JSON.render
( toJSON
( Or
(Equals (Ref "EnvironmentType") (String "prod"))
(Condition "CreateProdResource")
≡ ''
"Fn::Or": [
"Fn::Equals": [
{ "Ref": "EnvironmentType" },
{ "Condition": "CreateProdResource" }

in { Ref
, Base64
, Cidr
, FindInMap
, ImportValue
, String
, Sub
, Sub/Vars
, Split
, GetAtt
, GetAttOf
, GetAtt/Type
, GetAZs
, Join
, Select
, Transform
, Condition
, Equals
, If
, Not
, And
, Or
, Type = Fn/Type
, CfnText = JSON.Type
, render = toJSON
, renderText = λ(s : Text) → toJSON (String s)